About James Smith
James’ applications are designed for companies and organizations that will accept his challenges to aggressively outperform their competitors with quality customer service . These accomplishments are achieved with integrity.

James’ keynote speeches,detailed programming, and energetic consulting display the best business solutions for today and tomorrow.

In any venue, James provides advanced and proven corporate concepts for best results. His humor through personal experiences and the stories of other professionals make the learning process not only informative, but memorable.
James has personally been active in the corporate workplace for more than 30 years. Ten of those years were working retail in moderate, better, and designer fashion apparel, both as a department store general manager and specialty store owner. While department store manager, Smith was awarded as Outstanding Young Man of the Year.

In 1987, James, then known as Jim [Ask him why he fell back on his given name. He will explain in length! It’s one of his distressful but humorous stories!], founded Smith Speaks, a professional speaking and consulting firm. The speaking career, by accident, resulted from his blindness being restored to 20/40 via newly-developed opthalmological procedures.

In addition to his advanced training and consulting, James will teach you how to be a better communicator. He has many key elements to achieve better communication skills, but one of the major answers is the same answer to the question, “Do you know the way to Carnegie Hall?” Answer: “PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!"

James works with experienced professionals and corporate executives for the achievement of better productivity and success. He also works with company call centers to improve their language skills and knowledge base of company programs, services, and policy.

Advances in business activities will be improved with new and old business concepts. Many times, the old successful methods must be revisited and enhanced for optimal success and profitability. The proven older management practices must not be forgotten. Just because an old business practice is old, it should not be ignored. Smith will assist your company in identifying the proper skills for your business, new and old.

James’ business philosophy is bold but sound. He expresses his proven philosophy and demonstrates the proven successes of others in business, medicine, and psychology. Yes, medicine and psychology. Why? Because the identifications and resolutions of corporate stress by not only business people, but doctors of medicine and psychology assist us in minimizing our corporate distresses. Furthermore, it gives us the edge to be better sellers, managers, and executives.

Although James' previous webmaster labeled him as a motivational speaker, James describes himself as a professional speaker who researches and delivers the best material for his clients, and gives them quality information to use for a lifetime. Whereas, many motivational speakers excite you for the moment and give you little of value to enhance your personal and professional life forever.

From a 55-minute keynote to multiple day programming and consulting, James Smith researches and delivers to you the best information and training to elevate you and your company to the maximum levels of performance and success.

Contact Us Today!

Smith Speaks
1983 Waterford Place
Hoover, AL 35244

Phone: +1 205/988-0999

FAX: +1 205/988-0999

E-mail: jsmith@smithspeaks.com

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